Tim & Elyssa // The Caves Wedding

Tim & Elyssa // The Caves Wedding

There is always something special about capturing important milestones for someone that you’ve known from the time when you were little. For those that don’t know much about me, growing up my life very much revolved around horses. My aunt was would do the show circuit around Queensland every year, my Uncle has a riding school and my sister, I’m pretty sure her first word was our pet horses name. I was never really good at or overly interested in riding them, I left that to my sister. But every weekend we would be at some horse event, either pony club, gymkhana, camp draft or sporting event, you name it, I probably went to it at some point(I usually sold raffle tickets, since I didn’t ride often.)

For those of you who know Elyssa can probably see where this is going. Growing up I would always see Elyssa at events and at my uncles riding school. So as you can imagine, it was such an honour for me when I got the email asking me to capture hers and Tim’s big day. It was not much longer after their engagement that I met up with them to discuss their thoughts and plans for their wedding.

It was just after they had bought their first home together, and as you can expect it was a property (Got to have space for the horses, Tim I’m sure you know that you’re stuck with them for life now.). After meeting with them they show me where they plan on setting up every part of the wedding, this was about 12 months before the big day. at the time I couldn’t see it, mostly because it was covered in grass taller than me and trees everywhere.

Cut to the big though, the transformation that Tim and Elyssa were able to pull was nothing short of stunning. The beautiful plains with towering natives were a perfect backdrop for a wonderful golden afternoon sun filtering through lighting up the rich earthy tones. It was truly a beautiful afternoon and evening full of love and laughter. And of course there was an appearance from the handsome Mr Fonzi himself.